

a new site launched today.. well.. for a bit. the Encyclopedia of Life site had 11.5 million hits in over 5 1/2 hours, which is just a few more than here. but because of the massive demand, the site crashed. I'm sure they are working on increasing that broadband.

the AP describes the new site as offering "limited Web pages for 30,000 species. There are also "exemplar pages" that go into more depth with photos, video, scientific references, maps and text of 25 species... Eventually, planners hope to have all 1.8 million species on the Web and already have set up 1 million placeholder pages."

dang, just another thing on the web to distract us from the work that needs to get done.




I came across a very interesting article today :: America's Most Sinful Cities.

The article displays, in accordance to the "7 Deadly Sins" :: lust, gluttony, avarice, sloth, wrath, envy and pride :: the American cities that have "fallen the farthest from grace." It is extremely interesting to see the cities in the ratings.. but a question hit my heart.. is that the right thing to rate??

Just because my city is rated #2 in gluttony and #5 in sloth doesn't mean that we have turned more from grace.. or even that we need it more. We all need it. But it could mean that we love the One who gives grace more..

Jesus asked him, "A moneylender had two debtors: one owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. When they were unable to repay, he graciously forgave them both. So which of them will love him more?" -- Luke 7:41-42

We all have a sinful debt. We all owe something for it.. and none of us can repay it.. no point in gauging the debt.. the gauge must be in how much we love the gracious Forgiver of our debt. Where do you rank in that?

Insert song :: Jesus Paid It All.



with this being the weekend after Valentine's day.. I thought that I would share an old video that I came across from way back in the day. One of Frazer's finest -- keeping in mind that this was done while the Budweiser "Wazzz up" commercials were rolling.

It includes John Schmidt, Rob Webster, Shane Segars, John Ed Mathison, and Bruce Wilkinson - the guy who wrote Prayer of Jabez.


the winning three.

the Giants pulled an upset by three.. so I thought I'd give you my winning three.. my favorite commercials from the night >>

The Uni-Brow, by Planters :: funny because its ugly.. and I'm sure its one of David Nasser's favs.

Baby II, by E-trade :: funny because its like a Mikey flashback from Look Who's Talking.

What is Love, by Diet Pepsi :: funny because it reminds me of a guy in seminary with me.. seriously, wake-up.



I don't know if it is only because my friend Brad George has gotten me back into playing Halo (the original) or not. But when I came across photos of the new Hummer HX concept car, I could not keep from picturing the always helpful Warthog from the game. Whether you consider using it as a panzy-way to play or not.. you have to see the similarity...

- okay, so minus the whole guns and aliens thing.

If you want to check out some of the other concept cars revealed at the Detriot 2008 show.. check them out here.