

I've been doing a lot of reading and reflection upon one word lately. The word comes with a simple definition :: the effect or influence of one person, thing, or action, on another. It can come in the smallest of words or in the largest of actions. We make it whether we are strategic or naive towards it >> Impact.

We all have the opportunity to stake claims upon which type of impact we will make. I believe that we all have a responsibility to strive towards making a positive impact on our world [[ insert the whole "leave a better world for our children" speech from any politician ]]. But for those of us choosing to follow Jesus, I believe that responsibility moves beyond into a command >> see Matthew 5:13-16.

We cannot control the way in which others respond.. their response is an action of their choice; but we can control our actions to influence, inspire, and impact (( sorry for the alliteration there, it just came out )). Some might respond to our actions in full agreement and gratefulness with hopes of continuing the impact.. others can respond in misunderstanding or even resentment with desires of stopping or reversing the impact. Their response is not in our control.. our only control is in the actions of ourselves -- carrying the hope to impact.

Here is a man looking to make an impact >> he is simply called Banksy. His choice of medium is the color of a spray can. His action of impact is to apply his talents with paint upon deserted buildings among communities in need of inspiration. I was influenced by his latest trip to New Orleans.. His images share a story with a grand opportunity for beautiful impact. Some may respond differently.. but you have to appreciate his heart to make an impact.

[[ there are rumors that Banksy has recently left his mark upon two buildings in Birmingham -- I'll grab some photos if I can find them ]]

++ my questions to ponder >>
-- Do I want to leave an impact? If so, of which type/magnitude does my heart want to leave??

-- Are the actions of my life moving towards the purpose of making an impact?

-- What actions can I make to increase the impact upon those around me??

:: good quote on the subject >>

"We must never underestimate the importance
of one moment, one word, one deed
in the life of another human being."
-- Erwin McManus,
Seizing Your Divine Moments, 117.

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