
so let me tell you how smooth our God is.. and He connected the dots to that point thru a problem that Jake had. See Jake had an issue with losing his F11 key, which just causes a lot of problems - especially when you are sporting a stylish apple like he has. but my issue with the F11 does not have to do with the physical key itself.. well.. sort of.. but not really.

okay.. so where in the world is this going?? well here it. Hit your F11 key. Go ahead. Yes, the one towards the top of your keyboard.. between F10 and F12. Just hit it.. you like that?? yeah, pretty cool, huh? now don't freak out.. it didn't mess up your computer, you can just hit it again to take you back to your "regular" view of things >> and that was my problem - I hit it again.

see my F11 on my keyboard was fine.. it was my F11 in my life that was the issue. as i went through my papers, exams, and assignments, I carried a viewpoint that our lives are just "regular." nothing special. nothing spectacular. nothing big to it. for me.. i am just getting a masters. but as my heart began to long for something more.. our God revealed Himself as that thing in life which is so much more. it is Christ in us that makes us so much more than "regular." We as Christians are HIS!!

how did He draw me to that? not by the passages I'm use to.. it was in the words of Balaam, found in Numbers 23:20 (check it out.. its a cool OT story), "I have received a command to bless; he has blessed, and I cannot change it." in its context things get really smooth in God's blessing of His people, Israel. A covenant which was formed with Moses for God's chosen people. Moses lead his people not by his own strength, but by the glory of God. A glory which transformed Moses' regular life into something so much more, by giving him a small glimpse of His glory - Exodus 33 (another good one).

we can so quickly fall into the belief that our lives are all about the here and now. the daily tasks of life that become so redundant and minuscule. we can begin to walk through life thinking that there is nothing exciting about it. but God's Word declares something so much greater. "When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory." (Colossians 3:4). God has chosen to bless us with Life. a non-normal life, but Life in Him.. Life for Him.. and Life through Him. There is nothing larger than God's glory, and He has declared us a part of that, and there is nothing that we can do to change that. nothing! Christ has declared us His. So when those times come when you just don't "feel" it.. all you might need to do is hit that F11 to get that better view of the "bigger picture" for our lives.


meredith said...

i like your computer analogies, and i love you.

ericka b said...

Thanks Jared-- 5th year burn out has hit me-- I definitely needed this one! Hope you two are doing great!

Sarah Grace Beverly said...

Your F11 blog was very cool.