
encouraging words this morning.

So this morning I pulled an old book of my shelf, it was a copy of Henry Blackaby's Experiencing God Day-by-Day. It was given to me back in 1999 by a great friend, Michael Wright. He gave it to me for my high school graduation and wrote some very encouraging words on the inside covered. Well, those weren't the only encouraging words that I re-read this morning.

I opened up to the reading for today, just to see if I had read it back then and wrote anything about that day. April 28th -- I got nothing. But on the page to the left (the 27th) I come across these words of my hand writing: "Father... I have asked you to show me where you want me, and you reply not with a position but a perfect answer. Father, help me to be close enough to you so that I may hear your voice and recognize your calling."

These were words that I had penned over a decision for my summer plans. The Lord was completely faithful to lead me to exactly what was best for my heart that summer. Now, fast forward a great 8 years and as I graduating from another era of school, my prayer is exactly the same :: Father, show me where you want me. His reply - exactly the same :: close enough to Me to hear My voice and recognize My calling.

Thank you Lord for the re-reading of those encouraging words this morning.


$3 worth.

"I would like to buy $3 worth of God please
I want just $3 worth

Just enough to equal a soothing cup of warm milk
Or a snooze in the sunshine
Not enough to explode my soul or disturb my sleep

Enough of God to make me feel love and forgiven
But not so much to make me love and forgive others
Not so much that it will make me seek justice for the oppressed
Or to embrace the person with AIDS
Or make room for the refugee
Or to feed the hungry
Just $3 worth please

Enough to snack on for two Sunday morning hours of bliss
I want ecstasy
Not transformation
I want the warmth of the womb
Not the terrible pain of new birth

Give me a pound of the eternal
$3 worth of God please
And could you put that in a brown paper bag…"

- adapted from Tim Hansel, $3.00 Worth of God


useful list.

I just thought that I would pass along an impressive list of the 101 Most Useful Websites... there are some good ones out there -- this may help you find a more useful one.