
make your vote...

so Mer and I have been looking all over birmingham for the perfect house for us... and we thought we should get your input... so take a look and post your vote...

this has definitely been an exciting time for us, but we don't just want the house that we like... we want the one that the Lord has for us. so if you would... pray for us to be lead to it... that is our biggest prayer these days and we would treasure it if all of our friends and community could join us in lifting up our requests to Father... then when HE comes through, because we all know HE will... we can have one heck of a party after move in day!!!

and okay... so one of them is alittle bit out of our price range... but still... our God is big!


Jeh said...

the bottom left one is amazing. but i'm sure that one is the one out of range. it sure does look SWEET though! then the right middle then the top left. aww how excited are yall?!? prayers will be lifted up. cheers!

Rachel Kay said...

woah dude. i like the middle left. . .its so mod. and i mean i guess the mansion is ok too.

Katie B said...

garages.... luckyyyy... i pulled the handle off my frozen car this morning trying to open the door...is the middle right a townhouse too? i can't tell. but i like that one, esp ifyou dont hae to share a wall w/ someone else... i would probably pick the best location/neighborhood...MISS SEEING YA"LL... time for pizza or mexican.

Sarah Grace Beverly said...

1. top left
2. middle left
3. bottom right
4. middle right
5. top right
6. bottom left (who would want to live in that dump?!)

Karen Isbell said...

deffinately the bottom left is my fav...but i would imagine that is the out range one! So...the top left and bottom right! Prayers are always being lifted. The Lord will give you peace! I can't wait to see which one He has for you!